Converting to Accounting
From your previous accounting system
Import Guide and Templates
Getting up and running on Accounting is easy – especially if you are a new business!
But, what if you’re an already existing business? How do you convert?
There’s information in your “old” set of books that needs to be captured in Accounting - whether your old system was a manual set of books, a spreadsheet, one of our Pastel desktop products or some other accounting software system.
Converting from Pastel Xpress or Pastel Partner
If you want to import your opening balances, accounts, customers, suppliers and items from Pastel Xpress or Pastel Partner, contact us on [email protected].
Conversion Guide: Converting from another accounting system
If you are importing your data from another accounting system, use the Converting from your previous accounting system guide.
This will allow you to convert accounts, customers, suppliers and items. Use the following downloads which are referenced in the guide: