Name | Type | Additional information | Description |
ID | integer |
None. |
Name | string |
None. |
Category | Supplier Category |
None. |
TaxReference | string |
None. |
ContactName | string |
None. |
Telephone | string |
None. |
Fax | string |
None. |
Mobile | string |
None. |
string |
None. |
WebAddress | string |
None. |
Active | bool |
None. |
IsObfuscated | bool |
None. |
Balance | decimal |
Read Only / System Generated |
CreditLimit | decimal |
None. |
PostalAddress01 | string |
None. |
PostalAddress02 | string |
None. |
PostalAddress03 | string |
None. |
PostalAddress04 | string |
None. |
PostalAddress05 | string |
None. |
DeliveryAddress01 | string |
None. |
DeliveryAddress02 | string |
None. |
DeliveryAddress03 | string |
None. |
DeliveryAddress04 | string |
None. |
DeliveryAddress05 | string |
None. |
AutoAllocateToOldestInvoice | nullable bool |
None. |
TextField1 | string |
None. |
TextField2 | string |
None. |
TextField3 | string |
None. |
NumericField1 | nullable decimal |
None. |
NumericField2 | nullable decimal |
None. |
NumericField3 | nullable decimal |
None. |
YesNoField1 | bool |
None. |
YesNoField2 | bool |
None. |
YesNoField3 | bool |
None. |
DateField1 | nullable date |
None. |
DateField2 | nullable date |
None. |
DateField3 | nullable date |
None. |
AccountingAgreement | bool |
None. |
HasSpecialCountryTaxActivity | bool |
Read Only / System Generated |
Modified | nullable date |
Read Only / System Generated |
Created | date |
Read Only / System Generated |
BusinessRegistrationNumber | string |
None. |
RMCDApprovalNumber | string |
None. |
TaxStatusVerified | nullable date |
None. |
CurrencyId | nullable integer |
None. |
CurrencySymbol | string |
None. |
HasActivity | bool |
Read Only / System Generated |
DefaultDiscountPercentage | nullable decimal |
None. |
DefaultTaxTypeId | nullable integer |
None. |
DefaultTaxType | Tax Type |
None. |
DueDateMethodId | nullable integer |
None. |
DueDateMethodValue | nullable integer |
None. |
SubjectToDRCVat | bool |
None. |
This will only be used by Suppliers in South Africa. DRC Vat is only subject to Registered Vat Vendors. |