POST PurchaseOrder/Calculate
Calculates the specified Purchase Order total fields.
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
The Purchase Order.
Purchase OrderName | Type | Additional information | Description |
ID | integer |
None. |
Date | date |
Required |
Inclusive | bool |
None. |
DiscountPercentage | decimal |
None. |
TaxReference | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 30 |
DocumentNumber | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
Reference | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
Message | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 8000 |
Discount | decimal |
None. |
Exclusive | decimal |
None. |
Tax | decimal |
None. |
Rounding | decimal |
None. |
Total | decimal |
None. |
AmountDue | decimal |
Data type: Currency |
PostalAddress01 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
PostalAddress02 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
PostalAddress03 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
PostalAddress04 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
PostalAddress05 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
DeliveryAddress01 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
DeliveryAddress02 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
DeliveryAddress03 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
DeliveryAddress04 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
DeliveryAddress05 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
TaxPeriodId | nullable integer |
Read Only / System Generated |
Editable | bool |
Read Only / System Generated |
HasAttachments | bool |
Read Only / System Generated |
HasNotes | nullable bool |
Read Only / System Generated |
HasAnticipatedDate | nullable bool |
Read Only / System Generated |
HasSpecialCountryTax | bool |
Read Only / System Generated |
AnticipatedDate | nullable date |
Read Only / System Generated |
ExternalReference | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
UID | globally unique identifier |
Read Only / System Generated |
SupplierId | integer |
Required |
SupplierName | string |
None. |
Supplier | Supplier |
None. |
Modified | nullable date |
Read Only / System Generated |
Created | date |
Read Only / System Generated |
StatusId | nullable integer |
None. |
Supplier_CurrencyId | nullable integer |
None. |
Supplier_ExchangeRate | nullable decimal |
None. |
DeliveryDate | date |
Required |
Status | string |
None. |
Lines | Collection of Commercial Document Line |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "DeliveryDate": "2025-03-11", "Status": "sample string 1", "SupplierId": 2, "SupplierName": "sample string 3", "Supplier": { "Name": "sample string 1", "Category": { "Description": "sample string 1", "ID": 2, "Modified": "2025-03-11", "Created": "2025-03-11" }, "TaxReference": "sample string 2", "ContactName": "sample string 3", "Telephone": "sample string 4", "Fax": "sample string 5", "Mobile": "sample string 6", "Email": "sample string 7", "WebAddress": "sample string 8", "Active": true, "IsObfuscated": true, "Balance": 11.0, "CreditLimit": 12.0, "PostalAddress01": "sample string 13", "PostalAddress02": "sample string 14", "PostalAddress03": "sample string 15", "PostalAddress04": "sample string 16", "PostalAddress05": "sample string 17", "DeliveryAddress01": "sample string 18", "DeliveryAddress02": "sample string 19", "DeliveryAddress03": "sample string 20", "DeliveryAddress04": "sample string 21", "DeliveryAddress05": "sample string 22", "AutoAllocateToOldestInvoice": true, "TextField1": "sample string 23", "TextField2": "sample string 24", "TextField3": "sample string 25", "NumericField1": 1.0, "NumericField2": 1.0, "NumericField3": 1.0, "YesNoField1": true, "YesNoField2": true, "YesNoField3": true, "DateField1": "2025-03-11", "DateField2": "2025-03-11", "DateField3": "2025-03-11", "AccountingAgreement": true, "HasSpecialCountryTaxActivity": true, "Modified": "2025-03-11", "Created": "2025-03-11", "BusinessRegistrationNumber": "sample string 33", "RMCDApprovalNumber": "sample string 34", "TaxStatusVerified": "2025-03-11", "CurrencyId": 1, "CurrencySymbol": "sample string 35", "HasActivity": true, "DefaultDiscountPercentage": 1.0, "DefaultTaxTypeId": 1, "DefaultTaxType": { "ID": 1, "Name": "sample string 2", "Percentage": 3.1, "IsDefault": true, "HasActivity": true, "IsManualTax": true, "Active": true, "Created": "2025-03-11", "Modified": "2025-03-11", "TaxTypeDefaultUID": "af983ca8-23d1-41b0-9890-d4c679147343", "CompanyId": 9 }, "DueDateMethodId": 1, "DueDateMethodValue": 1, "SubjectToDRCVat": true, "ID": 38 }, "Modified": "2025-03-11", "Created": "2025-03-11", "StatusId": 1, "Supplier_CurrencyId": 1, "Supplier_ExchangeRate": 1.0, "ID": 5, "Date": "2025-03-11", "Inclusive": true, "DiscountPercentage": 7.1, "TaxReference": "sample string 8", "DocumentNumber": "sample string 9", "Reference": "sample string 10", "Message": "sample string 11", "Discount": 12.0, "Exclusive": 13.0, "Tax": 14.0, "Rounding": 15.0, "Total": 16.0, "AmountDue": 17.0, "PostalAddress01": "sample string 18", "PostalAddress02": "sample string 19", "PostalAddress03": "sample string 20", "PostalAddress04": "sample string 21", "PostalAddress05": "sample string 22", "DeliveryAddress01": "sample string 23", "DeliveryAddress02": "sample string 24", "DeliveryAddress03": "sample string 25", "DeliveryAddress04": "sample string 26", "DeliveryAddress05": "sample string 27", "Printed": true, "TaxPeriodId": 1, "Editable": true, "HasAttachments": true, "HasNotes": true, "HasAnticipatedDate": true, "HasSpecialCountryTax": true, "AnticipatedDate": "2025-03-11", "ExternalReference": "sample string 32", "UID": "4db4446c-a625-494e-a839-91ab0615d0c6", "Lines": [ { "SelectionId": 1, "TaxTypeId": 1, "ID": 1, "Description": "sample string 2", "LineType": 0, "Quantity": 1.0, "UnitPriceExclusive": 3.0, "Unit": "sample string 4", "UnitPriceInclusive": 5.0, "TaxPercentage": 6.1, "DiscountPercentage": 7.1, "Exclusive": 8.0, "Discount": 9.0, "Tax": 10.0, "Total": 11.0, "Comments": "sample string 12", "AnalysisCategoryId1": 1, "AnalysisCategoryId2": 1, "AnalysisCategoryId3": 1, "$TrackingCode": "sample string 13", "CurrencyId": 1, "UnitCost": 1.0, "UID": "36eec3a3-362b-4c2a-948d-b4407608cbdc" }, { "SelectionId": 1, "TaxTypeId": 1, "ID": 1, "Description": "sample string 2", "LineType": 0, "Quantity": 1.0, "UnitPriceExclusive": 3.0, "Unit": "sample string 4", "UnitPriceInclusive": 5.0, "TaxPercentage": 6.1, "DiscountPercentage": 7.1, "Exclusive": 8.0, "Discount": 9.0, "Tax": 10.0, "Total": 11.0, "Comments": "sample string 12", "AnalysisCategoryId1": 1, "AnalysisCategoryId2": 1, "AnalysisCategoryId3": 1, "$TrackingCode": "sample string 13", "CurrencyId": 1, "UnitCost": 1.0, "UID": "36eec3a3-362b-4c2a-948d-b4407608cbdc" } ] }
Response Information
Resource Description
Purchase OrderName | Type | Additional information | Description |
ID | integer |
None. |
Date | date |
Required |
Inclusive | bool |
None. |
DiscountPercentage | decimal |
None. |
TaxReference | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 30 |
DocumentNumber | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
Reference | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
Message | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 8000 |
Discount | decimal |
None. |
Exclusive | decimal |
None. |
Tax | decimal |
None. |
Rounding | decimal |
None. |
Total | decimal |
None. |
AmountDue | decimal |
Data type: Currency |
PostalAddress01 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
PostalAddress02 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
PostalAddress03 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
PostalAddress04 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
PostalAddress05 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
DeliveryAddress01 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
DeliveryAddress02 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
DeliveryAddress03 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
DeliveryAddress04 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
DeliveryAddress05 | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
TaxPeriodId | nullable integer |
Read Only / System Generated |
Editable | bool |
Read Only / System Generated |
HasAttachments | bool |
Read Only / System Generated |
HasNotes | nullable bool |
Read Only / System Generated |
HasAnticipatedDate | nullable bool |
Read Only / System Generated |
HasSpecialCountryTax | bool |
Read Only / System Generated |
AnticipatedDate | nullable date |
Read Only / System Generated |
ExternalReference | string |
String length: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
UID | globally unique identifier |
Read Only / System Generated |
SupplierId | integer |
Required |
SupplierName | string |
None. |
Supplier | Supplier |
None. |
Modified | nullable date |
Read Only / System Generated |
Created | date |
Read Only / System Generated |
StatusId | nullable integer |
None. |
Supplier_CurrencyId | nullable integer |
None. |
Supplier_ExchangeRate | nullable decimal |
None. |
DeliveryDate | date |
Required |
Status | string |
None. |
Lines | Collection of Commercial Document Line |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "DeliveryDate": "2025-03-11", "Status": "sample string 1", "SupplierId": 2, "SupplierName": "sample string 3", "Supplier": { "Name": "sample string 1", "Category": { "Description": "sample string 1", "ID": 2, "Modified": "2025-03-11", "Created": "2025-03-11" }, "TaxReference": "sample string 2", "ContactName": "sample string 3", "Telephone": "sample string 4", "Fax": "sample string 5", "Mobile": "sample string 6", "Email": "sample string 7", "WebAddress": "sample string 8", "Active": true, "IsObfuscated": true, "Balance": 11.0, "CreditLimit": 12.0, "PostalAddress01": "sample string 13", "PostalAddress02": "sample string 14", "PostalAddress03": "sample string 15", "PostalAddress04": "sample string 16", "PostalAddress05": "sample string 17", "DeliveryAddress01": "sample string 18", "DeliveryAddress02": "sample string 19", "DeliveryAddress03": "sample string 20", "DeliveryAddress04": "sample string 21", "DeliveryAddress05": "sample string 22", "AutoAllocateToOldestInvoice": true, "TextField1": "sample string 23", "TextField2": "sample string 24", "TextField3": "sample string 25", "NumericField1": 1.0, "NumericField2": 1.0, "NumericField3": 1.0, "YesNoField1": true, "YesNoField2": true, "YesNoField3": true, "DateField1": "2025-03-11", "DateField2": "2025-03-11", "DateField3": "2025-03-11", "AccountingAgreement": true, "HasSpecialCountryTaxActivity": true, "Modified": "2025-03-11", "Created": "2025-03-11", "BusinessRegistrationNumber": "sample string 33", "RMCDApprovalNumber": "sample string 34", "TaxStatusVerified": "2025-03-11", "CurrencyId": 1, "CurrencySymbol": "sample string 35", "HasActivity": true, "DefaultDiscountPercentage": 1.0, "DefaultTaxTypeId": 1, "DefaultTaxType": { "ID": 1, "Name": "sample string 2", "Percentage": 3.1, "IsDefault": true, "HasActivity": true, "IsManualTax": true, "Active": true, "Created": "2025-03-11", "Modified": "2025-03-11", "TaxTypeDefaultUID": "cfba03d5-8897-4a91-8c15-3a2f6decbdc2", "CompanyId": 9 }, "DueDateMethodId": 1, "DueDateMethodValue": 1, "SubjectToDRCVat": true, "ID": 38 }, "Modified": "2025-03-11", "Created": "2025-03-11", "StatusId": 1, "Supplier_CurrencyId": 1, "Supplier_ExchangeRate": 1.0, "ID": 5, "Date": "2025-03-11", "Inclusive": true, "DiscountPercentage": 7.1, "TaxReference": "sample string 8", "DocumentNumber": "sample string 9", "Reference": "sample string 10", "Message": "sample string 11", "Discount": 12.0, "Exclusive": 13.0, "Tax": 14.0, "Rounding": 15.0, "Total": 16.0, "AmountDue": 17.0, "PostalAddress01": "sample string 18", "PostalAddress02": "sample string 19", "PostalAddress03": "sample string 20", "PostalAddress04": "sample string 21", "PostalAddress05": "sample string 22", "DeliveryAddress01": "sample string 23", "DeliveryAddress02": "sample string 24", "DeliveryAddress03": "sample string 25", "DeliveryAddress04": "sample string 26", "DeliveryAddress05": "sample string 27", "Printed": true, "TaxPeriodId": 1, "Editable": true, "HasAttachments": true, "HasNotes": true, "HasAnticipatedDate": true, "HasSpecialCountryTax": true, "AnticipatedDate": "2025-03-11", "ExternalReference": "sample string 32", "UID": "c622ce69-a49f-4fcf-bd1d-1fb380ed5d03", "Lines": [ { "SelectionId": 1, "TaxTypeId": 1, "ID": 1, "Description": "sample string 2", "LineType": 0, "Quantity": 1.0, "UnitPriceExclusive": 3.0, "Unit": "sample string 4", "UnitPriceInclusive": 5.0, "TaxPercentage": 6.1, "DiscountPercentage": 7.1, "Exclusive": 8.0, "Discount": 9.0, "Tax": 10.0, "Total": 11.0, "Comments": "sample string 12", "AnalysisCategoryId1": 1, "AnalysisCategoryId2": 1, "AnalysisCategoryId3": 1, "$TrackingCode": "sample string 13", "CurrencyId": 1, "UnitCost": 1.0, "UID": "e618ca13-f6e8-4b9c-a06f-e7f8f1914e23" }, { "SelectionId": 1, "TaxTypeId": 1, "ID": 1, "Description": "sample string 2", "LineType": 0, "Quantity": 1.0, "UnitPriceExclusive": 3.0, "Unit": "sample string 4", "UnitPriceInclusive": 5.0, "TaxPercentage": 6.1, "DiscountPercentage": 7.1, "Exclusive": 8.0, "Discount": 9.0, "Tax": 10.0, "Total": 11.0, "Comments": "sample string 12", "AnalysisCategoryId1": 1, "AnalysisCategoryId2": 1, "AnalysisCategoryId3": 1, "$TrackingCode": "sample string 13", "CurrencyId": 1, "UnitCost": 1.0, "UID": "e618ca13-f6e8-4b9c-a06f-e7f8f1914e23" } ] }